Saturday, February 7, 2009


In the midst of bloggers of all kind targetting different topics, I thought of I should start a blog to get inputs from people of all the background - what's bothering them or stopping them in their progress in life and how we can help each other.

Please feel free to leave me a message and I'll publish it so people can come and help you. Your topic can be anything - country, politics, personal, economic, job, family etc. I'll do my best to place your topic under a right group. 

What is Dharma?
Dharma is not a TV character :-) Dharma is not equivalent of English words religion or law, it can be closely described by another set of words Righteousness and Just.

What is Karma?
Karma is your Intent, Action and dominant Desire.

Dharma and Karma:
When your intent, action and dominant desire reflect righteousness and just = that Karma is called Dharmik Karma. When your intent, action OR dominant desire DO NOT reflect righteousness and just = that Karma is called ADharmik Karma.

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